We write to the Ethereum blockchain to beat fake diplomas in a fool-proof way to verify your resumé. We offer Zoom, VR, Holo-lens, or LIVE classes & graduation certificates recorded on the blockchain. Certifaction blockchain eSignatures are legally valid and comply with the strictest regulatory requirements of Switzerland, the EU, and all major global standards (incl. eIDAS, ZertES, UETA, ESIGN). Please see our testimonials from Presidents, Kings, Queens, corporate stars, & glitterati here.
Service and hospitality are universal, customer, and guest standards that can be used in any industry. The Intercontinental Academy of Household, Hotel and Resort Management (IAHHRM). Member American Board of Licensed Hoteliers and Restaurateurs and the International Council of Hospitality Service Registry. Our 5,359th international student graduated recently. The Intercontinental Academy of Household, Hotel & Resort Management trains, sharpens, and uplifts professionals to new levels. Placement is completed via Laurel Placement and other agencies located worldwide that hold a certified reciprocal agreement. We work with Global Wealth Strategies, Ltd, Advent Jets, and The US Presidential Service Center. We offer the following on-site, online, and off-site.
The Intercontinental Academy of Household Hotel and Resort Management poster.
We've been teaching members of royal family households, Air Force One, Buckingham Palace, The Royal Saudi Arabian castles and estates, and the White House for over 30 years. We wrote the book on estate management (order online). Please see the other nine (9) books we have published and twelve (12) additional books featuring us sold worldwide here. Please see our testimonials from Presidents, Kings, Queens, corporate stars, & glitterati here.
These classes are offered to individuals seeking to learn a. specific individual skills (with a certificate and gold foil seal) or the entire course. Pricing for individuals is $125.00 per hour to master a skill or class not counting the costs of textbooks. If a group is formed up of eight people then we provide 2.5 hours of instruction for $125.00 each (pay online below). Particular classes involving weapons fire, food cookery, wine purchasing, driving of machines, etc. have additional costs physically associated with them. Students can also speak with their employers about our offers of teaching classes via WhatsApp, Zoom, and our own Presidential Video Channel:
The courses we offer are:
The Ethics and Leadership training program is custom-designed for each client for small, medium-sized businesses, and corporate leadership training for larger organizations.
We provide posters and fun games that get people laughing about the toughest subjects in the world - and we drive out fear.
These classes are part of and required study in our Ambassador in Training (AIT) Program when becoming an Ambassador for the United States Presidential Service Center (USPSC), for estates, family offices, and corporations.
We train with textbooks of several author's works (click to order your book then pay for the course below)
We lift people up to grow like they may not have in a while and give them a coach's toolbox to take home filled with answers (a real toolbox to keep unlike any they have seen before). Because every issue at work is not a "nail" and all things don't need the hammer to fix them.
We are happy to discuss exactly what your needs are and institute the right curriculum with a textbook for you.
Our 2% families often request high-powered connectivity, their staff to graduate from intense classes and schools to facilitate such, and for rapid calls/transmission/connections to be made. In 2000, we established the Ninja Business Institute while residing in Japan for three years on a special placement to Admiral Joseph J. Krol, Jr. and his private home, "Dolphin House."
We offer our Certified Global MASTERCONNECTOR courses via the United States Presidential Service Center (USPSC) Ninja Business Institute (NBI) over a five-day program in a Hybrid format of in-person, online, or watch-later and catch-up with homework. Our courses are $259 USD each. Belt requirements are progressive, moving up in the Dojo - higher, and higher.
Our ranks are:
In an age of hydrofoils, $300M yachts, helicopters, private mini-submarines, shipping horses by plane to events across oceans, 198-foot deep exploration pools holding sunken galleons at the bottom, and customized $400M 787 family flying homes - service is at an all-new level. Please see our testimonials from Presidents, Kings, Queens, corporate stars, & glitterati here.
From children's designer clothing creation classes to exclusive on-site automatic-shotgun and .50 cal machine-gun shooting ranges, sniper hunting on 30-day missions, airship and blimp building for parties, to private theaters we have built with candy counters and auto collections worth over six billion dollars to having a child draw their imaginary animal and making a stuffed animal come alive from it - welcome to the new age. Going to the North Pole in a nuclear submarine, building bomb-proof cities with streets underground, and curing Guinea Worm Disease across Africa are new foundation and family office goals. We welcome the earth's first trillionaires (by 2030) in history. Please take a look at our digital book and magazine capabilities with music and video.
Join us as we meet each year across the world. Our entire schedule is available for the next 20 years to allow for planning, speakers, networking, and more.
Advance payment is required by the host. Other students in a group or company pay the host. Cancellations inside 14 days before the event only allows for another person to attend in their place.
Refunds are not provided including reasons such as a catastrophic accident, immediate hospitalization with LifeFlight, death and funeral arrangements, or nuclear release near your home causing forced evacuation with law enforcement and military troops on site. Please understand the serious, financial impact and that we are being honest upfront.
Thank you, Marti & Stormy Mongiello
A team member packs his bags to get ready to leave after being told off, reprimanded, and fired.
The Inn of the Patriots, LLC
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, North Carolina 28073, United States
The Inn of the Patriots™, LLC, Presidential Culinary Museum®, Presidential Service Center® - All Rights Reserved©. The United States Presidential Service Center, 301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC 28073, USA or The United States Presidential Service Center, 1301 7th Street, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20001. Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds have been donated to charities since 1993, and $567,000.00 WAS RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% US military veteran-owned company committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
We use cookies to analyze website traffic, make better recipes, and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. We do not sell lists! We comply with GDPR, ADA, and all laws as a disabled and injured veterans business.