When was the last time you saw a wabbit with a five-foot-long carrot!? Be sure to join us each year on the Saturday before Easter at Long Creek Presbyterian Church from 10 am to 1 pm! Please see our Facebook site annually for poster information, detailed egg roll, and game info! Just scroll down and feel free to enjoy the video and film offerings of the event and details on how it all works! In 2014 and 2015, several healthy initiatives were added to the original programs from 2008 onward: Chef James Blakely's "Ants on a Log" snacks, hula hoop, and jump rope contests! During the 6th annual event, a massive 12-foot tall, 385-pound pink bunny chair was built for Peter Rabbit (complete with a five-foot-long carrot) and the kids to sit in! Thousands and thousands have enjoyed this! Free prizes and gift baskets are handed out each year, and there is no charge to join in! In 2024, we moved to join in with our church and a huge festival held each year!
Physical fitness games take center stage as everyone is encouraged to "LET'S MOVE!" Kids enter the coloring contest each year for fun and prizes! In 2014, the eggs containing $100.00 bills were hidden on the limbs of trees inside special Monkey eggs! For the Biden presidency, EGGSucation took center stage with educational initiatives. Under President Trump, new initiatives have occurred, bringing in even more corporate America to share in the fun!
The truth about the White House Easter Egg Roll is rarely told. Few outlets, including the White House Historical Association, understand or know the real story, so they have only guessed at recently expanding on the truth starting, robustly, around 2015. The Easter Egg Roll in Washington, DC, did not begin in 1878 under President Rutherford B. Hayes. Starting in the early years of the Clinton administration, some of the first-ever truths about the Muslim games came out that we Americans love and adore celebrating during Easter. These included printing on White House information about how First Lady Dolley Madison publicly began the egg-rolling games down by the capital during President Madison's reign. Although the filth of her son's story is embarrassing, threatening, sickening with gambling, drunkenness, bankrupting the Madison's, and a disgrace - it is no reason to hide the truth about the good things he did in life. The attempts by Dolley's newest husband, James, to "get rid of the kid and send him overseas" resulted in preventing embarrassing behavior in America. He told his mom all about the kids at the pyramids of Giza knocking colored eggs around with wooden sticks in the sand, and the rest became history! Dolley started colored egg rolling in DC in the early 1800's. The famous stench of rotted eggs over the next few decades became so strong it was widely reported across all forms of news that no historian could dispute or not notice. In 1876, Easter Monday egg-rolling had overcome the entire city so badly with broken eggs and children that Congress took steps to take control of the capitol. They passed a new law making it illegal for children to assemble at the capitol or risk arrest, or at worst, parental arrest. Historians at NPS and the White House eliminate all of these facts and the egg-rolling that Tad and the Lincoln kids did on the grounds of the White House (although it was a tiny affair at the White House). What is AMAZING is that in 1877, everyone waited to see if parents and kids would be arrested and taken away with a massive show of force by the police!!!???
It rained that year and washed out the city, so in 1878, the families returned to DC in droves. Many would rent hotel rooms annually and come to DC with their children as part of this 50+ year historic event. When informed that they had nowhere to go - several kids stopped Rutherford Birchard Hayes on one of his walks in top hat and cane and asked him if he would help? Like the Little Rascals, they posed tough questions for the big man in town, who knew nothing about these problems and the new laws. He wrote a note and gave it to one of our butlers to bring down to the front gate and guards, "If any child should come to the gate on Monday looking for grass to roll eggs on they shall be let in and enjoy my grounds with pleasure." He was shocked when they came to get him to look out of the window!!! Things only got worse as children were even invited inside the home, and the Clevelands had to replace large amounts of carpet, and finally, THAT WAS IT. No more kids running around the house, and eventually, the entire event was hosted outdoors, including the Reagan's introducing wooden eggs (and lottsa jelly beans).
The Inn of the Patriots, LLC
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, North Carolina 28073, United States
The Inn of the Patriots™, LLC, Presidential Culinary Museum®, Presidential Service Center® - All Rights Reserved©. The United States Presidential Service Center, 301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC 28073, USA or The United States Presidential Service Center, 1301 7th Street, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20001. Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds have been donated to charities since 1993, and $567,000.00 WAS RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% US military veteran-owned company committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
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