The Rose Garden at the White House. Credit: The White House
Presidential Service began with the American military, in the late 1700s, as military aides and other positions. One of the first to start was the Life Guard for General Washington in 1776.
In the 1880s The US Navy requested President Rutherford B. Hayes, to open a "mess," (or restaurant) which is now known as the White House Staff Mess. It features restaurant service and thousands of take-out meals daily with close to 75 US Navy chefs. The Navy chefs shop, cook, travel with, and protect the Presidency.
The Presidential Service Center™ has completed a five-year feasibility and research study phase, which began in 2010. It is housed with the existing, and highly successful, Presidential Culinary Museum®. It remains interactive (under an agreement) with The Official Society of World Chefs in Friendship since request in 1994. They aim to foster care and kindness amongst countries of the world visiting the American White House and Camp David. To interact with our Presidential Service Badge (PSB) authorized, serial numbered members - please contact us at 001 (704) 937-2940.
The museum is open seven days per week for private, appointment only, tours and bus groups.
We cover Presidential Service via yachts, rail cars, the White House and Executive Mansion, HMX-1 and Marine One, Air Force One, the White House Staff Mess, and are on Linkedin and Facebook.
Initial funding of USD 250,000.00 has been provided by private parties as the museum continues to grow and be digitized.
Digitization includes cataloging, QR codes, and films showcasing POTUS, FLOTUS, and CHOTUS as well as all elements of those who legally served, in honorable status. If you are a Presidential Service Badge holder with a registered serial number or a civilian who supported the Presidency, that can be verified at the White House, and are interested in purchasing specific items that are needed on our wish list, please contact us at or call us and speak with Martin CJ Mongiello, MBA.
You already understand that your dedication has protected lives and that part of your legacy will live on long after you've passed.
As you look back on a full life and develop plans that will influence important decisions, like the disbursement of your estate or the memory of your life, we hope you will remember that The United States Presidential Service Center and Museum can be a part of those plans.
You can ensure that we preserve our history and remind people of our service, and depending on how you choose to support us, you could receive substantial tax benefits. It's called gift planning, and you've come to the right place to learn more about it. Please call us to help us grow. Please join us on our official page at Linkedin here and our Linkedin Group Chat page here.
A description card of the nuclear football used by the American presidency.
Mission and Values Statement: The Presidential Culinary Museum®, US Food History Museum™, The Inn of the Patriots™, and Presidential Service Center® continue to collect, preserve, and interpret history. Through exhibits, educational programs, tours, digital means, and web-based instructional methods, we foster a deeper understanding of the history of America's First Families' likes and dislikes towards food. We also showcase the culinary arts, banquets at Camp David, US State Dinners at the White House, everyday family cooking and favorites, china collections, and china selections. For Officially verified Presidential Service Badge (PSB) wearers and holders (with a serial number controlled by the White House Military Office), we include and showcase all of the contributions of each office to the preservation of the Presidency. Via loyalty, honorable military and civilian service, courage, commitment, obedience, zeal, and fidelity with no party lines or political influence, we perpetuate our craft and legacy. Core attributes underlying our values are integrity, accountability, initiative, and toughness. We will always be ready to answer the call when needed.
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of The Presidential Culinary Museum® and Presidential Service Center™ is to educate the public about the social, political, military, economic, and natural history of serving the Presidency and First Family in all capacities and to emphasize their historical significance. We believe our purpose is to share all things PRESIDENTIAL globally across business, medicine, technology, and more - in a sharing and growing manner. The PSB badge wearers (with serial number) and civilian alumni additionally seek to care for one another in illness and health via contribution and scholarship awards.
Strategy: It has most often been our strategy to embrace the more significant work of the enlisted men and women of the White House Military Office, lower-ranking civilians in service to the President, and staff itself at the White House, yachts, Camp David Resort, Air Force One, rail cars, motor pool, US Secret Service, White House Communications Agency, HMX-1, Marine Corp One, and several other units and offices. We do celebrate and honor high-ranking Generals and Admirals, Doctors, and leaders, but they do not represent the balance of power supporting the American Presidency. Our strategy is to focus on the average man and woman, the ordinary clerk, and the unknown and unthanked worker. We employ our magazine (named PRESIDENTIAL), websites, keynote speakers, social media, television series, business classes taught, broadcast fireside chats, interviews on television, and other avenues towards our stratagem.
Most often, it is they who noticed how the First Family interpreted the fabric of life in America, exemplified what was occurring on earth, or shaped change itself. The servant humbled in the eyes of God.
Additional strategies include how an ordinary supporter holding a Top Secret clearance, serving the Presidency feels about societal issues that the First Family engages with. These can consist of racism, sex, immigration, ripping down statues, drug use, or other subjects of considerable speculation. This span includes controversial issues that typical museums will not cover, Trustees squelch, or wealthy board members complain about based on their religion or belief systems. Our strategy also includes not allowing Advisors or Trustees to donate their way onto our board, and those sitting in such capacity should not be requested to provide monies. Both strategies are often used in museums and associations to the detriment of each party.
Dedication: To Walter Scheib, III, Executive Chef of the American White House. The commitment occurred in 2015, posthumously.
Vision Statement: It is the vision of the Board of Directors to continue to expand on our outstanding facilities, holdings, and programs that preserve and promote the history of American Presidential service in all its forms. We have done so for ten years+ - across the world, bringing our vision to the global stage. We are practitioners of Jeffrey Fox and his many books made available for all team members, Dr. Deming, Dr. Covey, Dr. Blanchard, and Dr. Ornish. Our vision comes from understanding their principles, and expanding to a larger facility is our primary, future focus.
Clarifying memberships and Clarifying Statement: Any PSB badge wearer and holder that can be identified with a serial number at the White House is welcomed into the Presidential Service Association (PSA), which is a separate association working on an ad-hoc basis with the museum. People are claiming to have been a "White House Chef, a White House Electrician, a White House Security Detail member, etc... can only do so by being party stationed at the White House (East, West Wing), White House or White House Military Office (WHMO). If you visited the White House and held a cooking demonstration with a speech at the Navy Mess, et al. - do not print and publicize that you were a "White House Chef," etc... You were not. What you were was a visiting Chef to the White House that provided a cooking demonstration and speech. But you were not "The White House Chef," you were not, "a White House Chef," and you were not, "one of the many White House Chefs." Verbal and printed statements to that effect are simply lies, and your integrity is at stake. If you cooked several White House State Dinners by invitation or worked as a Chef for WHMO or the White House Staff Mess, it is clarified as the official position of the PSC that you were a White House Chef. Never state that you were THE White House Chef as the word "THE" is reserved for the White House Executive Chef. Such as Chris Comerford, Henry Haller, and Walter Scheib, III. This methodology can also be used for other positions of an electrician, speechwriter, etc... Individuals have been prosecuted with our help under several acts of falsehood and the Stolen Valor Act in just the past 12 years.
The frequency of Review and Change: Shall be at least annually for all of these statements but at the pleasure of the board - can be anytime. Please join us on our official page at Linkedin here and our Linkedin Group Chat page here.
The logo of the US Presidential Service Center.
The Medal of Honor is the highest military honor awarded by the United States. Take a look behind the scenes at what goes into the award presentation at the White House.
The US Presidential Service Center was proud to be featured as a speaker on FOX. We've been showcased numerous times over the years on White House issues and presidential support.
It was our honor to be featured by CNN several times through the years and in this episode, we serve discuss the history of our region, the great battle of King's Mountain and the visits of several president's.
Deciphering our organization's culture at The United States Presidential Service Center, and associates of The United States Presidential Culinary Museum, DBA's of Mongiello Holdings, LLC, and tenets of The Inn of the Patriots, LLC.
A Required Annual Review Process
As a leader in several industries ranking in the top 3% of independent judging bodies and global reviews, the continuing need to spend time deciphering culture enables us to ensure it supports our mission, strategy, vision, goals, and value. Our present statement was verified and last reviewed on February 16, 2024. It is available to the public at, and a complete copy is in this policy. We do not think it is perfect, so we look for help to update and change it over time as societal needs change. Organizational culture can be an active enabler or an insurmountable obstacle to implementing change in organizations. Most organizational change efforts require some degree of culture shift (Levin & Gottlieb, 2009).
Steps taken throughout the year are planned accordingly to better understand our culture and effectuate change. All reports go to managers, directors, owners, the unofficial board of advisors, and our board of trustees. An organization's culture develops in large part from its leadership, while the culture of an organization can also affect the development of its leadership (Bass & Avolio, 1993).
1. We sporadically issue an unnamed review of culture, safety, and management to provide a climate analysis. Always done without names of individuals – the final report is tallied with a statement to leadership and team. The questions on review are direct, pointed, and explicit regarding the environment, sexism, harassment, joyfulness, celebration, awards, leadership, management, treatment, attitudes, feel of the workplace, security, and safety.
2. Under Dr. Deming's principles, we do not use or allow written performance reviews. Instead, we conduct verbal surveys of team members. These are set aside for specific periods and followed by each team member's reviewing managers. It is a two-way review process.
3. We promote an open-door policy for 16-year-olds doing mailroom duty to address the 90-year-old leader. No chain of command must walk in and request to see any leader. If it helps define, shape, or decrypt our culture – we welcome it without retribution.
4. Part of our bi-annual fact-finding mission is to request all team members to write or type a paper with no name about our culture. We invite any suggested changes; no names are needed for the article. We have a diamond box for this that is on the enormous silver chair for team members. Drop-off is voluntary, and to keep the process fair, we request that all team members place at least a blank piece of paper in the diamond box. Bringing to the awareness of all employees the "unwritten ground rules" (UGRs) that operate in an organization. UGRs can be used to transform an organization's culture to a new set of ground rules that directly reinforce behaviors (Simpson & Cacioppe, 2001). Allowing everyone to know to drop a piece of paper into the box is required (but no one has to write or type anything), keeps things fair. Additionally, we do not have reviews for team members annually. We do team reviews of all leadership and management to learn to become better. Such reports of leadership and management behavior are discussed openly to effectuate change.
Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1993). Transformational leadership and organizational culture. Public Administration Quarterly, 112-121.
Levin, I., & Gottlieb, J. Z. (2009). Realigning organization culture for optimal performance: Six principles & eight practices. Organization Development Journal, 27(4), 31.
Madu, B. C. (2012). Organization culture as driver of competitive advantage. Journal of academic and business ethics, 5, 1.
Simpson, S., & Cacioppe, R. (2001). Unwritten ground rules: transforming organization culture to achieve key business objectives and outstanding customer service. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(8), 394-401.
The state dining room in the White House.
Thank you so much for considering us at the USPSC, and please enjoy your day. Stormy LeAnn Mongiello, MBA, PHR, SHRM-CP, Doctor Joynicole Martinez, and Doctor Joseph Santhappan. Please remember not to skip anything, or your application will be voided, erased, and removed from all consideration. Any form of being incapable of paying attention does not meet the White House standard. WARNING ISSUED: Please also ensure that you download the NC NDA below and the Commitment Satchel, and be very careful not to skip sections 16 and 17 on page four of the commitment satchel - as you then sign it - preparing to send it in via upload below. Our full ethics program of videos is here and a required prior to application.
We regret that we do not accept photographs of documents or email attachments. Our servers will reject those items. We expect that all candidates and colleagues will provide contiguous .pdf documents as one whole .pdf, signed and dated. Missing items and poorly formatted or unprofessional documents that are not of the highest caliber will not be acceptable to our standards. Thank you for helping us and for considering your time and care. We wish you our best as we grow across the earth and help others.
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, North Carolina 28073, United States
The Inn of the Patriots, LLC
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, North Carolina 28073, United States
The Inn of the Patriots™, LLC, Presidential Culinary Museum®, Presidential Service Center® - All Rights Reserved©. The United States Presidential Service Center, 301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC 28073, USA or The United States Presidential Service Center, 1301 7th Street, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20001. Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds have been donated to charities since 1993, and $567,000.00 WAS RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% US military veteran-owned company committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
Mongiello Holdings™, LLC and it's DBA's.
We use cookies to analyze website traffic, make better recipes, and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. We do not sell lists! We comply with GDPR, ADA, and all laws as a disabled and injured veterans business.