Speaking on three continents, featured in 160+ newspapers & almost three billion television viewers on six continents via CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, NHK of Asia, Vitaya Europe, and BrusselsTV. Working with the past six Presidents from H.W. Bush to Trump.
Former White House Chef Marti Mongiello is pictured in his official press release photo.
If you can't watch us on CBS television on WBTV then enjoy the fun anecdotes, recipes, and behind-the-scenes events of the First Family with me here. I'm a former White House Chef and General Manager of the Camp David Resort and Conference Center and retired from the US military with service on three continents of wars. I'm a keynote speaker and do presentations, luncheons, and dinners for the Republican Party, Democratic Party, many PACs, and all groups as I am non-partisan and worked for the White House Military Office (WHMO) and with the White House Communications Agency (WHCA), Marine One, HMX-1, and Air Force One.
Host, Judge, Speaker, Celebrity White House Chef, Presidential Historian having published nine books and featured in 12 others, Butler, Navy Valet, Housekeeper, Bartender, Military Aide, Nuclear Bunker Aide, Biological~Poisoning~Chemical attack expert. Seen in FOODTV Magazine, the New Yorker Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, The London Times, The Australian, The Washington Post, USA Today, The India Times, on Yahoo Shine, on The TODAY Show, CBS Nightly News, The Charlotte Observer, The LA Times, etc.
Chef Marti Mongiello is featured in the logo for Inside the Presidents' Cabinet show.
A collage of first families Biden, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Clinton.
Catch our newest television series, Inside the Presidents' Cabinet. Watch all episodes here and please, SUBSCRIBE, to our channel at YouTube. When you do that, you are helping a disabled and injured veteran in business to grow. Thank you so much for your help.
Keynote speaker Marti Mongiello is a former White House Chef and Camp David Resort Manager working with the past five Presidents' of the United States. He's also a disabled and injured war veteran of the US Navy with a 30-year retired certificate. EXECUTIVE CHEF - HOUSEKEEPER - GM - BUTLER - NAVY VALET - MILITARY AIDE - BARTENDER to the President and First Family. Be sure to catch Chef Marti on various television stations! Catch him in a new, four-part mini-series with CBS Television (click here for his sizzle reel and demo reel) showcasing the Trump, museum, Clinton, and Lincoln episodes!
Featured in 160+ newspapers, Food TV Network Magazine, The Times of London, Washington Post, New Yorker Magazine, The Australian, India Times, on PBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN worldwide, including Vitaya, BrusselsTV, and NHK Tokyo. Reaching 2.6 billion viewers. Featured in 11 books and has published eleven books. Three recent, successful fundraising events in 2019 included keynote speeches for two Democratic Party Conventions in North Carolina and a large 200-person Republican Party Dinner held in Illinois with speech, live stage demo, book signing, and mega-auction. See the newspaper coverage, billboards on the highways, gold medal winners, and radio interviews here.
Photo credit by The White House, Martin Mongiello, and Miranda Kreutzkampf
Recently featured in USA Today, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post TRAVEL section, The Charlotte Observer, The Times of London, The Huffington Post Politics Section, on the TODAY Show, CNN, FOX, ABC GMA, CBS TV and NBC, The Australian, India Times, Yahoo Shine, Washington POST TV, UK Daily Mail, Gaston Gazette (6X), Shelby Star (5X) and The Spartanburg Herald-Journal (2X).
All the Presidents' Menu's and Inside the Presidents Cabinet are listed at the United States Copyright Office # 1 729731231, Library of Congress, Screen Writers Guild of America 162642 VDNA A3E7CB393, and with many United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Trademarks - ®. We renew all filings every five years with USPTO, LOC, and SWGE.
See our other sections:
A homemade chefs hat for centerpieces at a Chicago, Illinois dinner and keynote speech for 200.
Click on the FILES NAME TO VIEW IT IMMEDIATELY - or click on DOWNLOAD. ClickFeel free to download a short or long-form biography for committee or board presentations. Some folks don't care for more than one page and demand simple, straight to the point presentations - while others will challenge you in stating, "do you have anything more as this is kind of thin?" We provide a full spectrum of items for you. Be sure to look at the sample dinner program (double-sided leaflet) that can be printed and folded rather easily for menu and schedule.
"A White House Chef at your event gets camera crews in from TV stations featuring it."
Marinated Seared Swordfish over Jasmine Rice with Polynesian Salsa. Ingles markets (Ticker IMKTA doing $4 billion+ per annum).
Across 88 social media channels that Chef Marti has built with his team, he currently reaches close to 12 million fans, followers, and colleagues.
All the Presidents' Menu's and Inside the Presidents Cabinet are listed at the United States Copyright Office # 1 729731231, Library of Congress, Screen Writers Guild of America 162642 VDNA A3E7CB393, and with many United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Trademarks - ®
He is regularly seen in 160+ newspapers and magazines like the New Yorker, FOOD TV Network Magazine, The Times of London, India Times, The Australian - via articles.
To help celebrate the loving and giving people in your community - we recommend you designating an awardee for our gold US Presidential Service Center Distinguished Service Medal. It comes in a jewel box with red, white, and blue ribbon at no cost to the event host.
An additional, lesser awardee, can be designated to receive one of our gold 3" diameter coins.
The Inn of the Patriots, LLC
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, North Carolina 28073, United States
The Inn of the Patriots™, LLC, Presidential Culinary Museum®, Presidential Service Center® - All Rights Reserved©. The United States Presidential Service Center, 301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC 28073, USA or The United States Presidential Service Center, 1301 7th Street, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20001. Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds have been donated to charities since 1993, and $567,000.00 WAS RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% US military veteran-owned company committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
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